Understanding Narcopathy: 20 Signs of a Narcopath (Narcissist-Sociopath Mix)

The Minds Journal
3 min readJun 19, 2023


What could be worse than a narcissist or a sociopath? A narcopath is a perilous combination of both narcissism and sociopathy, leading to aggressive and sadistic behavior. So, who exactly is a narcopath? Simply put, narcopaths are individuals who exhibit traits of both Narcissistic

Here are 20 signs of a narcopath. Personality Disorder (NPD) and Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), making them a blend of narcissists and sociopaths. Although not an official term, narcopath is used informally to describe these individuals and differentiate them from other Cluster B personality disorders outlined in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5).

Narcopaths, or malignant narcissists, meet the diagnostic criteria for both NPD and ASPD, along with characteristics associated with sadistic personality disorder and paranoia. Neuropsychologist Rhonda Freeman, Ph.D., explains that individuals with malignant narcissism possess the potential to wreak havoc on families, communities, nations, and work environments. They are solely focused on themselves, lack empathy, display an inflated sense of grandiosity and entitlement, and are capable of dehumanizing those around them. These individuals are highly abusive, manipulative, and pathological liars who possess psychological awareness.

Symptoms commonly observed in narcopaths include emotional detachment, a need for control, lack of authenticity, poor self-identity, constant seeking of positive attention and praise, and a lack of concern for how their behavior affects others. Furthermore, individuals with both ASPD and NPD are highly likely to exploit others for personal gain or pleasure. However, it’s important to note that not all narcissistic sociopaths will exhibit the exact same traits, as individuals are complex and can vary in their behavior.

While the general terms used to describe individuals with Cluster B personalities are psychopaths or sociopaths, the use of the term narcopath has gained popularity to describe those with traits of both NPD and ASPD, aiming to avoid confusion. Additionally, there is ongoing controversy surrounding the similarities and differences between sociopathy and psychopathy as disorders within the same spectrum.

Therefore, many people now use the term narcopath to describe someone displaying characteristics of both disorders. However, it’s crucial to understand that this is not a medical term and is not used by professionals. Proper clinical diagnosis is necessary to identify individuals with NPD or ASPD.

Identifying a narcissistic sociopath can be challenging, as each person is unique, and they often present themselves as well-dressed, charming, and witty individuals. They can be intelligent, successful, and adept at manipulating others by exploiting their weaknesses.

Their manipulative tactics are typically subtle, and one may only realize the truth when it is too late. In public, they may seem perfect, have a respectable reputation, and appear generous. However, this is usually a facade to make them appear superior to others. They are master manipulators who emotionally, physically, and sexually abuse their victims for personal gain or pleasure. While others may be unaware of their true nature, they are callous, cold, and uncaring individuals who believe they deserve attention from everyone.

They have disdain for others and consider it acceptable to exploit and discard individuals to further their own interests. Their ability to manipulate and gain trust allows them to dominate and control those around them. A narcopath constantly seeks power and control without experiencing any guilt, and when they no longer find someone useful, they discard them without hesitation. Their elusive nature makes them especially dangerous in relationships.

Identifying narcopaths can be challenging, as their personality disorder may not significantly impact their daily life or the lives of those around them. Narcissism often intensifies when combined with sociopathic traits.



The Minds Journal
The Minds Journal

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