Struggling To Relax? Check These 7 Key ‘Stresslaxing Symptoms’ Now!

The Minds Journal
3 min readSep 10, 2024


In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a constant companion for many. Surprisingly, even taking time to relax can sometimes trigger more stress, a phenomenon known as “stresslaxing.” Defined by the Urban Dictionary, stresslaxation occurs when you’re too stressed to relax, and the act of not working or being unproductive causes even more anxiety. This paradox highlights how ingrained productivity and stress have become in modern life. People find it difficult to unwind due to factors such as demanding jobs, the pressure to be constantly connected through technology, and a pervasive need for productivity, even during leisure time. Stresslaxing symptoms manifest when relaxation itself becomes a source of discomfort, and these signs can further complicate a person’s ability to manage stress effectively.

Recognizing stresslaxing symptoms is critical to breaking this cycle. People may experience heightened anxiety when attempting to relax, feeling more nervous or worried rather than at ease. Mentally disengaging from work or daily concerns can feel impossible, with thoughts continuously racing, making relaxation a frustrating and elusive goal. This inability to mentally switch off maintains elevated stress levels, contributing to physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and digestive problems, which can worsen over time. Instead of feeling re-energized, individuals might become restless, irritable, or grumpy, which can affect relationships and create a sense of dissatisfaction.

Perfectionism also plays a role in stresslaxation. The pressure to relax “perfectly” can lead to increased stress as individuals strive to meet unrealistic standards of calmness or peace. This perfectionistic attitude undermines the purpose of relaxation by turning it into another task to be performed flawlessly. Obsessing over relaxation techniques, questioning whether they are working or whether they are the “right” approach, only serves to intensify anxiety, making it difficult to find any true comfort in the process. Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or poor sleep quality, are another common stresslaxing symptom, further exacerbating stress and creating a cycle of exhaustion and anxiety.

To counteract stresslaxing symptoms, it is essential to first acknowledge the issue and recognize the need to unwind. Finding the most effective ways to relieve stress is crucial, as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to relaxation. Whether it’s through physical activity, creative outlets, or mindfulness practices, identifying what works for you can help reduce stress. Remembering the purpose of relaxation is important: it’s not about achieving perfection but rather about decreasing stress levels and promoting well-being. Writing down thoughts and emotions in a journal can also help manage anxiety, while scheduling regular breaks throughout the day can prevent stress from building up.

By addressing stresslaxing symptoms and taking proactive steps toward managing stress, individuals can regain their peace of mind and improve their overall mental health. Understanding that relaxation is a personal and ongoing process, rather than an obligation or a task to be perfected, can help break the cycle of stresslaxation and foster a healthier relationship with rest and recovery.

