Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

The Minds Journal
2 min readSep 5, 2023


Egyptian astrology is an intriguing system that provides insights into a person’s personality based on their date of birth, without relying on specific birth months like Western astrology.

Know the egyptian zodiac signs. It encompasses 12 Egyptian god and goddess signs, each associated with a range of birthdates. Here are four of these signs and what they reveal about your personality:

The Nile (January 1–7, June 19–28, September 1–7, November 18–26): People born under this sign are amicable, easy-going, and affectionate. They avoid conflict and are passionate about life. Nile individuals are observant, with mild temperaments, and tend to dream about life’s possibilities. They are capable, wise, and nurturing.

Amon-Ra (January 8–21, February 1–11): Amon-Ra individuals make good leaders and motivators. They are controlled, confident, and strive for excellence in everything they do. These individuals tend to be committed to spiritual pursuits rather than starting families.

Mut (January 22–31, September 8–22): Mut is associated with the mother figure and symbolizes nurturing qualities. People born under this sign are practical, logical, and excel in professions like law, nursing, or teaching. They are secretive, wise, and inspire hope in others but may struggle with depression.

Geb (February 12–29, August 20–31): Geb individuals are kind-hearted, intuitive, and sensitive. They care deeply about the environment and are environmentally conscious. They make loyal partners but may struggle with vulnerability and saying no to others.

These Egyptian zodiac signs provide unique insights into personality traits and tendencies based on birthdates, offering an alternative perspective to Western astrology.

