Bold And Assertive: 12 Characteristics Of An Opinionated Person

The Minds Journal
3 min readSep 1, 2023


Are you acquainted with someone who always has strong opinions, or perhaps you’re one yourself? While they might occasionally come across as a tad challenging, these individuals often question the established norms with unwavering determination, making waves of change in the process. Let’s delve into the traits of opinionated people and explore how to effectively interact with them.

Here are some characteristics of an opinionated person.

In a world brimming with diverse perspectives and beliefs, we frequently encounter individuals whose resolute opinions shape their very identity — these are what we refer to as opinionated people. An opinionated person is characterized by their steadfast and often unwavering convictions. They express their viewpoints with unwavering confidence and assertiveness, unapologetically championing their ideas. Such individuals are passionate about their beliefs and may actively challenge societal conventions, encouraging others to contemplate alternative perspectives through engaging in discussions and debates.

For instance, consider the charismatic and outspoken friend, Steve. He’s the embodiment of an opinionated person who fearlessly voices his convictions. His beliefs challenge the status quo and span a range of pressing issues, including educational reform, gender equality, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, sustainability, and mental health awareness. Steve’s assertiveness and fervor drive him to actively participate in conversations, inspire change, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society.

Characteristics of an Opinionated Person

Let’s unravel some of the most common traits of an opinionated person by delving into the depths of Steve’s personality:

Firm Convictions: Opinionated individuals like Steve possess unwavering convictions that serve as the bedrock of their thoughts and actions. Their belief systems are robust, and they don’t shy away from expressing their opinions, even when faced with opposition. For example, Steve staunchly believes in the significance of sustainable living practices, and he actively advocates for environmental conservation.

Passionate Expression: Passionate expression is a hallmark of opinionated people. Steve’s passion for his beliefs radiates through his words and actions. When discussing the merits of a plant-based diet, he exudes enthusiasm and shares personal anecdotes about how it has transformed his life. This fervor not only captivates those around him but also inspires them to consider alternative viewpoints.

Active Engagement in Discussions: Opinionated individuals, like Steve, actively seek out opportunities to engage in discussions and debates. They use these interactions as platforms to articulate their views and challenge opposing ideas. Steve is renowned for his thought-provoking conversations, where he encourages others to critically analyze their beliefs and participate in meaningful dialogues. His ability to express his opinions respectfully fosters an environment conducive to intellectual growth and mutual understanding.

Openness to Feedback: Contrary to popular belief, opinionated individuals are not impervious to feedback. In fact, they demonstrate a willingness to listen and contemplate alternative perspectives. Steve places great value on constructive criticism, viewing it as an avenue for personal growth. When confronted with counterarguments to his renewable energy views, he attentively listens, evaluates the opposing viewpoint, and adjusts his stance accordingly. This receptivity to feedback distinguishes opinionated individuals from those who are merely stubborn or close-minded.

Extensive Knowledge: Opinionated people typically possess in-depth knowledge about subjects they feel passionately about. Steve’s dedication to sustainable living has spurred him to research and gain a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of environmental science, renewable energy sources, and ecological conservation. Armed with this knowledge, he can engage in informed discussions, substantiate his opinions with facts, and contribute meaningfully to the causes he supports.

Emotional Investment: Emotional investment is a defining characteristic of opinionated individuals. Steve deeply cares about the issues he advocates for, channeling his time, energy, and resources into effecting positive change.

