7 Native American Beliefs About Dreams That Open A Portal To The Other World

The Minds Journal
3 min readMay 16, 2023


Dreams have always been a fascinating aspect of human life. While some people may not pay much attention to their dreams, Native American beliefs about dreams have shown that they can be a powerful tool for spiritual guidance and healing. Dreamwork is an essential part of Native American tribal culture, and their seven core beliefs about dreams reveal deep secrets about the power of the human soul. Here is the native american dream interpretation.

One of the most interesting Native American beliefs about dreams is the concept of the three souls. According to this belief, human beings have three souls, each with a distinct purpose. The first soul is the Ego soul, which is embodied in an individual’s breath. The second is the body soul, which gives energy and provides life force to the body during the waking state. Finally, the third soul is the free soul, which can leave the body and travel to other realms during the coma state, trance state, and dream state.

Native American beliefs also suggest that the dream world is as real as the physical world. According to their interpretation, in dreams, we experience the shamanic world. Everything in this world is connected to everything else, and we can travel to different realms and even communicate with animals, spirit guides, and ancestors.

The soul is the key player in Native American dream mythology. They believe that it is not our bodies or minds that dream but our soul that dreams and undergoes the entire experience. Our souls can communicate and astral travel to other realms during sleep or even during the waking state. Many people have experienced astral travel without realizing it, and it is said to be undertaken by the soul itself to progress rapidly on its spiritual evolution journey.

The Native American belief that life is one big dream is quite similar to the concept of Maya, found in Hinduism and Buddhism. This tenet emphasizes that everything is impermanent, and we are all just living a dream.

According to Native American beliefs, dreams are not just random occurrences but have deep significance or relevance to our physical reality. They suggest that we can contact our spirit guides through our dreams, and it is during sleep that our soul travels to meet spirit guides and seeks soul lessons and guidance.

Finally, dreams could be an essential clue to healing soul loss. Soul loss occurs when our soul leaves the body during times of stress or trauma. Native American legends suggest that soul loss is a common cause of illness. Therefore, soul retrieval is a powerful shamanic healing technique in their culture.

Shamans engage in dream work with people to understand where the lost soul can be found and restore it to the body, leading to healing and regained vitality.

In conclusion, the seven core Native American beliefs about dreams reveal deep secrets about the power of the human soul. Dreamwork is an essential part of Native American tribal culture, and their beliefs suggest that dreams are an extension of reality and an opportunity to travel to other realms and communicate with spirit guides and ancestors.

Dreams can also be a powerful tool for spiritual guidance and healing. Native American beliefs about dreams continue to fascinate people all over the world and offer a unique perspective on the human experience.

