20+ Spiritual Movies On Netflix And Amazon Prime: A Soul-Stirring Cinematic Journey

The Minds Journal
5 min readAug 10, 2023


Are you in search of spiritually enriching movies available on Netflix and Amazon Prime? We’ve curated a selection of over 20 films that promise transformative experiences. In a world often consumed by materialism and external pursuits, it’s vital to nurture our souls with meaningful encounters that resonate with our innermost being. The streaming giants, Netflix and Amazon Prime, present an extensive array of spiritual films that offer a respite from the chaos and encourage us to explore profound inquiries about life, purpose, and existence. Discover the finest spiritual films on these platforms as we embark on a captivating journey through this article.

20+ Soul-Stirring Spiritual Movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime:
Amid the fast pace of modern life, where the focus often rests on materialism and superficial endeavors, the need to nourish our souls with profound experiences becomes paramount. Both Netflix and Amazon Prime, renowned platforms for streaming content, offer a wealth of spiritual movies. These cinematic offerings extend a reprieve from the frenzy of life and beckon us to explore deeper questions about existence, purpose, and the human experience. In the pages of this article, we will accompany you on an enlightening expedition through more than 20 spiritual films available on these platforms. From thought-provoking documentaries to captivating narratives, these films promise to ignite your imagination, expand your consciousness, and serve as a wellspring of inspiration on your individual spiritual journey.

Exploring Spiritual Movies on Netflix:
Netflix serves as a treasure trove of cinematic gems that plumb the depths of the human spirit, eliciting wonder and illuminating novel perspectives. Whether you’re on a personal quest for self-discovery or simply seeking cinematic experiences that transcend the ordinary, this selection of 17 spiritual movies on Netflix promises to transport you on a spellbinding odyssey of transformation and enlightenment. Without further ado, let’s delve into this exquisite collection of the finest spiritual films Netflix has to offer.

“The Celestine Prophecy” (2006) — Unveiling Spiritual Wisdom:
IMDb Rating: 4.8/10
First in line among the spiritual films on Netflix is “The Celestine Prophecy.” Adapted from James Redfield’s bestselling novel, this movie whisks us away to the mystical Peruvian jungle. The narrative follows John Woodson, who embarks on a transformative expedition to uncover an ancient manuscript brimming with profound spiritual insights. As he navigates the currents of synchronicity, encounters enlightened beings, and grapples with the potency of energy, John discovers that each insight holds the potential to revolutionize his life and the world around him. “The Celestine Prophecy” seamlessly interweaves adventure with metaphysical exploration, prompting viewers to heed the signs and synchronicities that guide us along our spiritual trajectory.

“Cloud Atlas” (2012) — Interconnectedness and Rebirth:
IMDb Rating: 7.4/10
Continuing our journey through the realm of spiritual films on Netflix is “Cloud Atlas.” This captivating and contemplative film interlaces diverse storylines spanning different epochs, delving into the tapestry of interconnected souls. Based on David Mitchell’s novel, the movie delves into themes of love, karma, and the repercussions of our actions. With an ensemble cast that includes Tom Hanks and Halle Berry, “Cloud Atlas” encourages viewers to ponder the notion that our lives are threads woven into a grand fabric, where our choices echo across time, shaping the course of the future. With its visually stunning scenes and intellectually stimulating narrative, this film challenges conventional notions of time and identity, leaving audiences ruminating on the profound bonds that unite us all.

“The Secret” (2006) — Unveiling the Law of Attraction:
IMDb Rating: 5.5/10
Among the must-watch spiritual films on Netflix, “The Secret” is an indispensable entry. Based on Rhonda Byrne’s groundbreaking book, this documentary delves into the law of attraction and the potency of positive thinking. Through conversations with esteemed authors, philosophers, and scientists, the film unveils the age-old wisdom that our thoughts and beliefs mold our reality. “The Secret” serves as a potent reminder of our innate ability to manifest our aspirations by aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our deepest desires. Whether you’re new to the concept of the law of attraction or well-versed in its principles, this film will motivate you to harness your inner power and intentionally create a life brimming with abundance and joy.

“Samsara” (2011) — A Visual Meditation on Life’s Enigmas:
IMDb Rating: 8.4/10
“Samsara” is a widely acclaimed gem among spiritual movies on Netflix. This awe-inspiring non-narrative documentary takes viewers on a transcendent global expedition. Filmed across more than 25 countries, the film contemplates the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the interwoven nature of humanity. Through breathtaking visuals and evocative music, “Samsara” beckons us to reflect on the diversity and splendor of our world, evoking a sense of wonder and reverence. This meditative masterpiece prompts contemplation about our role in the grand tapestry of existence, cultivating a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness that binds all living beings. As we witness the jubilations and sorrows, rituals and rhythms, and the vastness of the natural world, “Samsara” inspires us to embrace the present moment and cultivate reverence for the sanctity of life.

“Life of Pi” (2012) — An Odyssey of Faith and Transformation:
IMDb Rating: 7.9/10
No compilation of spiritual movies on Netflix is complete without mentioning the beloved “Life of Pi.” Adapted from Yann Martel’s best-selling novel, this visually resplendent and emotionally stirring film recounts the extraordinary tale of Pi, a young Indian boy who survives a shipwreck, finding himself adrift on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. As Pi confronts the trials of survival in the boundless ocean, the narrative delves into themes of faith, spirituality, and the power of storytelling. Through a series of remarkable encounters and breathtaking visuals, “Life of Pi” plunges the depths of human resilience, delving into questions of belief and the transformative potential of embracing the unknown. This mesmerizing film leaves viewers pondering the mysteries of existence and the enduring fortitude of the human spirit.

“Eat Pray Love” (2010) — A Journey of Self-Discovery and Spiritual Awakening:
IMDb Rating: 5.8/10
No list of spiritual movies on Netflix is complete without a nod to this contemporary classic. Based on Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir, “Eat Pray Love” is a heartwarming and soul-stirring tale that traces the voyage of Liz, a woman embarking on a quest for meaning and self-discovery. Discontent with her life, Liz embarks on a year-long sojourn spanning Italy, India, and Bali. At each destination, she immerses herself in the local culture, delves into spirituality, and absorbs invaluable lessons about love, forgiveness, and the pursuit of happiness. “Eat Pray Love” serves as a reminder that authentic transformation often demands stepping beyond our comfort zones and venturing into the realm of self-exploration.

